BioPharma Pharma Research

Genetron Health ,Siemens Healthineers to Promote Precision Oncology for Lung Cancer

This partnership aims to promote large scale application of Genetron’s S5 platform and lung cancer 8-gene IVD assay in Chinese hospitals, in order to...

 May 17, 2021 | News

Global Behavioral Biometrics Market to Reach $3.9 Billion by 2027

A new market study published by Global Industry Analysts Inc., (GIA) the premier market research company, today released its report titled "Behavioral Biom...

 May 14, 2021 | Analysis

Advancing gene therapy by solving challenges in scale-up & manufacturing

Dr. Brophy shares additional insight about how producing viral vectors can be made more efficient, the lessons that can be learned from manufacturing mAbs ...

 May 11, 2021 | Influencers

Regulations: managing the balance of risk and rewards

Some companies see regulations and compliance guidelines as hurdles to overcome. Avantor views them as a challenge to be met, with innovation and expertise...

 May 11, 2021 | Opinion


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