NUS Medicine establishes the Lim Wee Chai Visiting Professorship in Medicine with gift of S$1 million

13 January 2023 | Friday | News

The National University of Singapore (NUS) has received a $1 million gift from Tan Sri Dr. Lim Wee Chai, Malaysian entrepreneur and philanthropist, to establish the Lim Wee Chai Visiting Professorship in Medicine, at the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine.
Professor Chong Yap Seng, Dean of NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (left) received a $1 million donation from Tan Sri Dr. Lim Wee Chai (right), to establish the Lim Wee Chai Visiting Professorship in Medicine.

Professor Chong Yap Seng, Dean of NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (left) received a $1 million donation from Tan Sri Dr. Lim Wee Chai (right), to establish the Lim Wee Chai Visiting Professorship in Medicine.

The signing ceremony cum cheque presentation between Professor Chong Yap Seng, Dean of NUS Medicine, and Tan Sri Dr. Lim Wee Chai, was held on 10 January 2023.

The Lim Wee Chai Visiting Professorship in Medicine is Tan Sri Lim’s first medical professorship in Singapore, a key professorship which will allow NUS Medicine to advance its current educational initiatives and research. Not only will it attract distinguished faculty to the University, but it will also drive bilateral exchanges in terms of knowledge, expertise and collaborations between Singapore, Malaysia and beyond.

“We are proud to be chosen by Tan Sri Dr. Lim to establish his first medical professorship in Singapore. It is an important professorship which will allow us to advance our current educational initiatives and research and in the years ahead. Professorship positions are the cornerstone of academic advancement and in the case of NUS Medicine, they are key to driving the important clinical research that will inspire health for all, in line with our School’s vision,” said Prof Chong.

“It is particularly appropriate that the donor behind this initiative is Tan Sri Dr. Lim, whose company Top Glove, has played such a pivotal role in the provision of life-saving PPE on a global scale during the Covid-19 years, and whose “five wells” mantra of “clean well, eat well, work well, exercise well and sleep well” resonate so much with the evidence-based clinical research being conducted by NUS Medicine,” he said.

Tan Sri Dr. Lim Wee Chai said, “I am honoured to partner with NUS, one of the world’s most renowned universities to establish this medical professorship. Healthcare and education have always been my lifelong passions and I hope my contribution will support the noble initiative of providing quality teaching, impactful academic and research programmes, towards benefiting more students and researchers, as they shape the future landscape of the healthcare industry.”

NUS will embark on the search, selection and appointment of a suitable candidate for the professorship soon.


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