Illumina and LGC Biosearch Technologies Forge Strategic Partnership to Advance Agricultural Genomics

19 September 2024 | Thursday | News

Combining targeted genotyping-by-sequencing with scalable sequencing technology, the collaboration aims to accelerate innovation in plant and animal breeding across Asia Pacific and Latin America, driving sustainability in food production.
Image Source : Public Domain

Image Source : Public Domain

Amid rising agricultural complexity and the push for sustainability, genomics is at the forefront of innovation in breeding practices.

Illumina  a global leader in genomics, and LGC Biosearch Technologies™, a pioneer in agricultural genomics, today announced a strategic partnership to accelerate the adoption of genomics in agricultural applications. By combining Biosearch Technologies' targeted genotyping-by-sequencing library preparation methodology (Amp-Seq) with Illumina's proven and highly scalable sequencing technology, the partnership aims to deliver innovative solutions to researchers and breeders in the Asia Pacific (excluding China) and Latin America region.


"This partnership represents a significant milestone in our mission to empower agricultural researchers and breeders and provide them with the tools they need to improve crop yields and address global food security challenges," said Dr. Evgeny Glazov, Senior Market Development Manager at Illumina. "By leveraging Biosearch Technologies' expertise in sequencing-based genotyping and Illumina's industry-leading sequencing platforms, we can deliver more efficient, accurate, and cost-effective solutions to the agricultural genomics community."

"We are excited about the opportunities our strategic partnership with Illumina is bringing to agricultural biotechnology. The collaboration will make it easier for both LGC and Illumina customers to access the powerful combination of Biosearch Technologies' industrial scale targeted genotyping by sequencing technologies like Amp-Seq with both medium and high-capacity Illumina sequencing platforms." Joris Parmentier, Associate Portfolio Director from Biosearch Technologies said, "Together we are accelerating breeding programs by increasing the throughput and multiplexing capabilities up to tens of thousands of samples per day and enabling industry leading same-day-sequencing protocols driving an increased rate of genetic gain and a faster route to getting new traits to the market.

The partnership will focus on commercializing innovative genomics-based solutions for various agricultural research and breeding applications in crops and livestock sectors, including:

  • Plant breeding: Accelerating the development of new crop varieties with improved traits such as yield, disease resistance, and nutritional quality.
  • Animal breeding: Enhancing the genetic merit of livestock for traits such as growth rate, meat quality, and reproductive efficiency.

By combining their strengths, Illumina and Biosearch Technologies aim to make genomics more accessible and affordable for agricultural researchers and breeders worldwide, driving innovation and sustainable food production.

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