Singapore's Biosyngen Gets FDA Nod for BRL03 Trials in Advanced Solid Tumors

12 September 2023 | Tuesday | News

On September 9th, 2023, Biosyngen Pte Ltd (hereafter as "Biosyngen") announced that the U.S. FDA has cleared the Investigational New Drug (IND) application for Phase I/II clinical trial of BRL03 for the treatment of lung cancer, gastric cancer and other advanced solid tumors. The approval granted to BRL03, the company's third first-in-class therapy, marks another breakthrough Biosyngen made in the CGT field.

Notably, BRL03 is also the first TCR-T product developed by Biosyngen to enter clinical trials. This significant achievement is attributed to the company's cutting-edge technology and extensive accumulation of capabilities and resources over the years.

IDENTIFIER, independently developed technology platform by Biosyngen, provides solid support for discovery and identification of antigen, antibody and TCR. Currently, utilizing the TCR and tumor proteome databases of thousands of individuals, Biosyngen can go from screening to optimization in two weeks to discover the optimal development for different therapeutic needs. With IDENTIFIER, Biosyngen selected TCRs with high specificity and affinity for a wide range of solid tumors, targeting a broad patient base. In addition, the company's MSE-T technology platform allows T cells to be less easily depleted in the microenvironment in solid tumors and to exert tumor suppressing effects more persistently through additional functional module components.

Looking back, in December 2022, BRG01, an EBV-targeted CAR-T cell therapy developed by Biosyngen for nasopharyngeal cancer, received IND approval from NMPA. In February 2023, BRG01 obtained U.S. FDA approval for the same indication to commence Phase I/II clinical trials. It is expected that the Phase I clinical trial of BRG01 will be completed by the end of 2023.

The IND application of BRG01 for the treatment of EBV-positive lymphoma has also been approved by NMPA and U.S. FDA earlier this year in April.

The successful filing of BRL03 marks a significant milestone for the company's strategy featuring diverse pipelines. Alongside CAR-T therapies, BRL03 will become Biosyngen's flagship asset in the TCR-T field, with ongoing progress in clinical studies and regulatory consultation.

Biosyngen is currently in the process of filing the IND application for BST02, its fourth in the company's pipeline. With the addition of this TIL therapy, the company solidifies its position as a promising biopharmaceutical company with global ambitions, boasting assets in all three major T-cell therapy types, namely, CAR-T, TCR-T, and TIL.

Biosyngen remains committed to its mission of addressing unmet clinical needs of patients and pursuing its goal to be a global leader in the development of innovation drugs.


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