CooperSurgical® and Fulgent Genetics Introduce Advanced Genetic Testing for Cord Blood Registry® Families

12 February 2024 | Monday | News

Testing offers CBR families the opportunity to proactively seek additional information about their child's health
Image Source : Public Domain

Image Source : Public Domain


 CooperSurgical®, a global leader in fertility and women's health, and Fulgent Genetics, Inc. (NASDAQ: FLGT), a technology-based company with a well-established clinical diagnostic business and a therapeutic development business, today announced that they have partnered to offer families of Cord Blood Registry® (CBR®) exclusive newborn genetic screening panels.

"We are proud to offer our CBR families additional resources that complement our newborn stem cell services as we continue to deliver personalized, cutting-edge solutions to families nationwide," said Holly Sheffield, President of CooperSurgical.

Utilizing Fulgent's Picture® Genetics platform, CBR, the largest private newborn stem cell preservation company in the world, now offers a range of genetic testing options to its families, including:

  • CBR Snapshot™ genetic test – screens children for over 250 genes related to metabolic disorders, blood disorders, cancers, cardiovascular disorders, and hearing/vision loss where early detection may provide actionable information and may be managed with medication, diet, or other therapies.1
  • CBR Portrait™ genetic test – screens children for over 600 genes, covering everything in CBR Snapshot, plus additional genes related to hearing loss, actionable epilepsy, immunodeficiency, heart conditions, and neonatal diabetes. CBR Portrait includes more than twice as many genes as CBR Snapshot and may identify more rare causes of these conditions. If a patient were to test negative, the results further reduce the likelihood that a patient has the conditions included on the test.1 
  • CBR Landscape™ genetic test – screens children for over 1,500 genes, covering everything in CBR Snapshot and CBR Portrait, plus genes associated with an even broader range of genetic conditions. CBR Landscape also includes a pharmacogenetic (PGx) component, which is a type of genetic testing that can determine how a person breaks down or metabolizes certain medications. This test can identify a potential for adverse reactions to more than 100 medications.1 It is one of the most comprehensive pediatric genetic tests available.1

"Partnering with CBR allows us to help provide more families with actionable information about their newborn's health," said Brandon Perthuis, Chief Commercial Officer of Fulgent Genetics. "Part of our mission is to use our resources and testing to improve the lives of those around us. Newborn genetic analysis serves as an illustration of this commitment, as early intervention may significantly improve health outcomes for many of these conditions."

These Picture Genetic tests are available now exclusively to CBR clients. All three Picture tests evaluate over 30 genes associated with conditions that are potentially treatable with newborn stem cells as part of a stem cell transplant.1

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