12 Leading Women Who Transformed Cell & Gene Therapy: A Tribute on International Women's Day

02 March 2023 | Thursday | News

"Meet the Female Scientists and Researchers Who Broke Barriers and Pioneered Revolutionary Advances in Biopharma's Fastest-Growing Field "
Image Source : Public Domain

Image Source : Public Domain

In the realm of Cell & Gene Therapy, there existed a group of twelve exceptional women who played a pivotal role in shaping the field. Their remarkable stories continue to inspire many, and their groundbreaking work has brought about a significant impact on the lives of millions of individuals.


As we celebrate International Women's Day, we take a moment to highlight these incredible women and their groundbreaking work.

Dr. Helen Blau, a stem cell pioneer, has paved the way for the development of cell-based therapies for a range of diseases. Her work has opened up new possibilities for regenerative medicine.

Dr. Paula Cannon's focus on gene therapy for HIV/AIDS has led to a novel approach to genetically modify immune cells, making them resistant to the virus. Her work has the potential to revolutionize the treatment of this disease.

Dr. Jennifer Doudna is a leading scientist behind CRISPR-Cas9 technology, which allows for precise gene editing. Her work has the potential to change the face of genetic diseases forever.

Dr. Laurie Glimcher, CEO of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, has made significant contributions to the development of immunotherapy. Her work has focused on harnessing the immune system to fight cancer and has led to new treatments for patients.

Dr. Katherine High's pioneering work in gene therapy has focused on the treatment of genetic diseases, such as hemophilia. She is the President of the Therapeutics Division at Spark Therapeutics.

Dr. Gail Naughton, a biochemist and tissue engineer, has developed a groundbreaking technology for growing skin cells in the laboratory. Her work has led to new treatments for burns and other skin disorders.

Dr. Carla Rothlin has made significant contributions to the development of immunotherapy. Her work has focused on the immune system's role in cancer and has led to new treatments for patients.

Dr. Susan Solomon's work has focused on cell-based therapies for heart disease. Her work has led to new treatments for heart failure and other cardiac conditions.

Dr. Joanne Kurtzberg has made significant contributions to the use of cord blood stem cells in the treatment of childhood diseases. She is the Director of the Marcus Center for Cellular Cures at Duke University.

Dr. Dawn McGuire's work has focused on gene therapy for neurological disorders such as Huntington's disease. She is the Chief Medical Officer at Voyager Therapeutics.

Dr. Katherine A. Smith, a biotech entrepreneur, has co-founded Agenus, a company that develops immunotherapies for cancer. Her work has led to the development of a novel cancer vaccine.

Dr. Joanne Kurtzberg has made significant contributions to the field of gene therapy and stem cell research. Her work has focused on the use of cord blood stem cells in the treatment of childhood diseases, and she is the Director of the Marcus Center for Cellular Cures at Duke University.


These 12 women, through their dedication, passion, and groundbreaking work, have changed the face of Cell & Gene Therapy. They have broken down barriers and inspired future generations of women to pursue careers in science and medicine. On this International Women's Day, we celebrate their achievements and honor their legacy.

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