First Integrated Table Motion for the da Vinci Xi Surgical System appears at Device Technologies Asia Training Center

13 February 2023 | Monday | News

TS7000dV Surgical Table Hands-on experience of the seamlessly integrated ITM for a more efficient workflow with dynamic access during procedures for RAS surgeons and field experts.
The only Integrated Table Motion for the da Vinci Xi Surgical System, TS7000dV Surgical Table, for surgical excellence.

The only Integrated Table Motion for the da Vinci Xi Surgical System, TS7000dV Surgical Table, for surgical excellence.

Developed jointly by Baxter and Intuitive, the TS7000dV Surgical Table, an integrated table motion (ITM) for the Da Vinci Xi Surgical System, is currently available for surgeons' trials at the Device Technologies Asia Training Center in Singapore. The TS7000dV Surgical Table is the first of its kind and the only ITM to seamlessly integrate the da Vinci Xi Surgical System, a registered trademark of Intuitive Surgical, Inc.


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