23 September 2022 | Friday | News
Image Source : Public Domain
As a European leader in predictive medicine and patient simulation, QUINTEN HEALTH masters a unique combination of analytical techniques, ranging across e.g. advanced statistical modeling, patterns recognition and subgroups discovery, real-world data science, or virtual cohort simulations.
The funds will be used to advance QUINTEN HEALTH’s in silico disease and care simulation platform, turning a decade of experience in disease modeling and real-world data analytics into regulatory-grade disease cohort simulators to accelerate, de-risk and maximize the value of pharmaceutical R&D. QUINTEN HEALTH’s disease models are developed from the global federation of best-in-class real-world and trial data sources.
QUINTEN HEALTH will announce in the coming months strategic partnerships with big pharma companies and data owners to launch the first disease modeling platforms.
"Our disease models leverage from the leading data networks/platforms and combine the best from AI/ML, predictive modeling, and pharmaco-epidemiology. We are building reference ‘virtual twin’ simulators in high priority diseases to accelerate drug development and patient access to the drugs they really need" commented Dr Billy Amzal, CEO of QUINTEN HEALTH and a pioneer expert in disease modeling since 1999.
"Our disease models will drastically reduce time to insights for drug developers, learning over time and across data sources on the disease and care continuum" complemented Dr Alexandre Templier, President of the QUINTEN group.
Grégoire Cayatte and Jacques Rossignol, Managing Partners of TECHLIFE CAPITAL, said: "We were impressed by QUINTEN HEALTH's expertise in AI and Machine Learning (ML) algorithm development applied to real-life data, which are complex data but increasingly required to generate strategic insights and must-have evidence for all healthcare stakeholders. We are delighted to support the development of such intelligent information systems and hereby to foster drug development and medical practices towards delivering the right drug to the right patient at the right time. TECHLIFE is committed to helping this French medtech to grow and become a major global player."
Maud-Kelly CRAPEAU, head of Digital health Investment at MACSF add: "QUINTEN technological innovation leads to a better and safer way to drug development and marketing authorization. As an expert in medical risk management and first healthcare professional insurer in France, MACSF is proud to support QUINTEN development with this unique know-how in the real-world data analysis and AI tools, both improving health care sector. "
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