Kaneka Japan Launches First New Plant in 54 Years to Boost Medical Device Production

03 September 2024 | Tuesday | News

The Tomatoh Manufacturing Site in Hokkaido, featuring smart and sustainable technologies, will drive the global expansion of Kaneka’s medical business with advanced blood and plasma purification devices.

Kaneka Corporation (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; President: Kazuhiko Fujii) (TOKYO:4118) opened its Tomatoh Manufacturing Site in the Tomakomai Tobu Area of Hokkaido for the purpose of portfolio transformation and business expansion and held the opening ceremony on August 26. The Tomatoh Manufacturing Site is the seventh domestic business location for the company and the first new one in 54 years.

The medical device plant completed at Tomatoh Manufacturing Site will produce adsorption type blood purification devices "Rheocarna™" and adsorption type plasma purification devices "Liposorber™". The number of patients with arteriosclerosis obliterans (ASO)*3, which these medical devices are intended to treat, is on the rise worldwide, along with increases in diabetes, chronic renal failure, and other conditions. By securing the supply base through the new plant, we will dramatically expand our medical business to meet global demand.

The plant has achieved full automation of its production lines as a "smart factory" utilizing robot technology and plans to realize a "zero energy factory" that will reduce the primary energy consumption of the factory building to zero by using our photovoltaic modules, thereby promoting sustainable manufacturing.

In the future, Tomatoh Manufacturing Site will be actively utilized as a new production base for each business, as well as for further expansion of the medical business.

Based on our mission of "KANEKA thinks 'Wellness First'.", we will realize a world where advanced medical care is accessible to everyone and where science contributes to the innovation of the global environment and our daily lives. From Tomakomai, "Kaneka, the Dream Factory" will make this vision a reality.

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