Noxopharm Announces Novel mRNA Vaccine Enhancer

28 March 2023 | Tuesday | News

Innovative biotech company Noxopharm Limited (ASX:NOX) announces the development of a new proprietary product candidate based on mRNA technology as part of the company’s SofraTM preclinical platform.
SOF-VACTM blocks inflammation receptors, thereby blocking inflammation and reducing vaccine side effects.

SOF-VACTM blocks inflammation receptors, thereby blocking inflammation and reducing vaccine side effects.

  • Proprietary SOF-VACTM asset with potential to make mRNA vaccines safer, better tolerated by patients and more cost-effective to manufacture
  • Preclinical first-in-class mRNA technology based on company’s SofraTM platform
  • Smallest molecule of its type to have demonstrated strong activity against inflammation
  • Developed in collaboration with strategic partner Hudson Institute of Medical Research
  • Growing worldwide activity in multi-billion mRNA market

A lead candidate has now been selected for further development. Under the ongoing collaboration with the Hudson Institute of Medical Research, the team has synthesised a novel ‘vaccine enhancer’ called SOF-VACTM.

This preclinical technology aims to make a broad range of mRNA vaccines safer by reducing inflammation associated with mRNA vaccines. In addition, the technology has the potential to support more cost-effective mRNA vaccine manufacturing.


The team’s recent development work on SOF-VACTM has shown strong in vitro and in vivo activity against inflammation. SOF-VACTM represents a first-in-class achievement as the smallest known molecule of its type to have demonstrated this activity. The major advantage of such a small molecule is it reduces the risk of off-target effects compared to larger molecules of this type.


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