06 February 2024 | Tuesday | News
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The NOSS, a pioneering digital platform, seeks to streamline the approval and reporting procedures for human research, particularly clinical trials, in Australia. Recognizing the nation's enviable attributes including top-tier healthcare facilities, leading researchers, a diverse populace, and robust legal frameworks with stringent intellectual property protections, the RDTF underscores the imperative of sustaining the NOSS to maintain global competitiveness in R&D.
Central to the proposal is the assertion that sustained investment in the NOSS is pivotal not only for the advancement of medical therapies but also for driving innovation, job creation, and positioning Australia as a frontrunner in R&D on the international stage. Failure to allocate adequate resources to the NOSS, the RDTF cautions, could precipitate fragmentation in Australia's clinical trial landscape, resulting in prolonged wait times for patients and a potential exodus of trial activities to more streamlined jurisdictions.
Drawing attention to the European Union's recent launch of its own 'One Stop Shop', the Clinical Trials Information System (CTIS), the RDTF emphasizes the necessity for Australia to adopt similarly efficient and harmonized processes to remain abreast of global developments.
Echoing these sentiments, AusBiotech reaffirms its longstanding support for the NOSS initiative, recognizing its pivotal role in positioning Australia as a leading hub for clinical trials. With clinical trials already contributing substantially to the nation's economy and employment landscape, AusBiotech underscores the transformative potential of sustained investment in this critical sector.
As the 2024-25 Federal Budget deliberations loom, stakeholders across the medical research spectrum await the Government's response to the compelling call for sustainable funding for the National One Stop Shop for clinical trials, recognizing its profound implications for both healthcare innovation and economic prosperity.
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