IASO Bio's BCMA CAR-T Therapy Eque-cel Receives FDA Approval for U.S. Clinical Trials in Myasthenia Gravis

08 April 2024 | Monday | News

Following its NMPA approval in China, IASO Biotechnology's innovative cell therapy, Eque-cel, gains U.S. FDA nod for clinical trials targeting the treatment of generalized myasthenia gravis, marking a significant step in global autoimmune disease research.
Image Source : Public Domain

Image Source : Public Domain

 IASO Biotechnology ("IASO Bio"), a biopharmaceutical company dedicated to discovering, developing, manufacturing and commercializing innovative cell therapy and antibody products, is pleased to announce that the Investigational New Drug (IND) application for its BCMA CAR-T (Equecabtagene Autoleucel, Eque-cel) has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in U.S. clinical trials for generalized myasthenia gravis (gMG). The Chinese IND for this indication of Eque -cel was approved by the NMPA in January this year.

Two subjects with refractory MG were enrolled in an investigator-initiated open-label study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of Eque-cel for the treatment of relapsed/refractory antibody-mediated idiopathic inflammatory disorders of the nervous system (NCT04561557). One was a 33-year-old female, AChR-IgG and Titin-IgG positive, who had been treated with thymectomy 21 months prior to enrollment and had not achieved clinical remission after treatment with cholinesterase inhibitors, glucocorticoids, immunosuppressants, and anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody. The other subject was a 60-year-old female, MuSK-IgG4 positive, with a 20-year history of the disease and failed the previous treatment with hormones, immunosuppressants, and anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody. The 2 subjects were treated with a single infusion of Eque-cel at the dose of 1.0×106 CAR-T/Kg. Results of the study were published in EMBO Molecular Medicine in February this year.

Safety: Of the 2 subjects, only 1 subject developed grade 1 Cytokine Release Syndrome (CRS), and no Immune effector Cell-Associated Neurotoxicity Syndrome (ICANS). All grade ≥3 hemocytopenia recovered within 4 weeks post infusion. No new safety risk was identified, and the safety profile was superior compared to that in multiple myeloma indication. 

Effectiveness: Clinical symptoms continued to improve over 18 months in the 2 subjects. From 3 months after the infusion, patients showed significant improvement in limb strength and vital capacity, and sustained improvement in Myasthenia Gravis-Activities of Daily Living Score (MG-ADL), Quantitative Myasthenia Gravis Score (QMG), Myasthenia Gravis-Quality of Life Score (MG-QOL), and Modified Rankin Score (mRS). 

PK/PD: Eque-cel expanded well after infusion. Anti-AChR antibodies, anti-Titin antibodies, and anti-MuSK antibodies decreased rapidly and maintained at very low levels in both subjects after infusion. B cells and plasma cells decreased to undetectable levels in both subjects within 2 months after infusion and then recovered gradually. At 18 months post-infusion, the B cells of both subjects had returned to normal levels, with approximately 80% of them being naïve B cells, while plasma cells remained at low levels. This result suggests that the long-term efficacy of CAR-T cell therapy may be related to the reconstitution of B cells with a predominantly naïve phenotype and the continued clearance of plasma cells. 

Professor Wei Wang of Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical School of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, the principal investigator of this clinical study, said, "The existing treatment options for autoimmune diseases are limited.  Autoimmune diseases are difficult to cure, and recurrent attacks bring great physical and psychological burden to patients and their families. In collaboration with IASO Bio, we have taken the lead in applying BCMA CAR-T, an advanced cell therapy, to a variety of serious autoimmune diseases, including MG, and have achieved very good clinical efficacy.  We have published several research papers in leading scientific journals. The US IND approval of Eque-cel for the treatment of gMG, a several autoimmune disease, represents a recognition of the FDA of the potential clinical value of our research direction.  We will further explore the application of BCMA CAR-T in treating additional severe autoimmune diseases."

Ms. Jinhua Zhang, Founder and Chairman of IASO Bio, stated, "We are very pleased that Eque-cel has been approved for clinical trial   for gMG in the United States. This is IASO's first IND approval in the US to apply CAR-T therapies in autoimmune diseases. This not only represents the international recognition of our R&D strength and the potential value of our cell therapy product in the field of autoimmunity, but also an important milestone for IASO to start a new journey in the global autoimmune market. I would like to thank the clinicians who helped us conduct the clinical trial, and the patients and their families who participated in the clinical trial for their trust in us. Seeing patients with severe autoimmune diseases who have been repeatedly tormented by the disease and cannot take care of themselves return to normal life after treatment with Eque-cel is the biggest motivation for our R&D effort. We will actively promote the clinical development of Eque-cel in the US to provide a more effective and longer-lasting treatment option for MG patients around the world. At the same time, we are committed to expanding breakthrough cell therapies to a broader range of autoimmune diseases, and strive to improve the global treatment landscape of such diseases so that more patients suffering from debilitating autoimmune diseases can return to a normal, healthy life."


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