Fujitsu Licenses Topological Data Analysis Tech to Bay Area Startup Delight Health for Mental Health Solutions

20 November 2023 | Monday | News

License transfer highlights Fujitsu's open innovation approach with Silicon Valley ecosystem to bring advanced technologies to market to address social challenges
Image Source : Public Domain

Image Source : Public Domain

Fujitsu Limited and Delight Health, a Bay Area startup,  announced that Fujitsu will license its Topological Data Analysis (TDA) technology to Delight Health in exchange for an equity position in the company. This license transfer will support Delight Health’s plans to gain rapid FDA approval by fiscal 2024 and bring to market an advanced delirium (1) detection device to accurately predict the onset of the disorder and address the needs of patients suffering from this ailment.

Fujitsu developed TDA, an AI technology that enables analysis of abnormalities and disturbances in complex, distorted and volatile time series data with broad applications in a range of industries including healthcare, manufacturing and infrastructure. From July 2018 to May 2021, Fujitsu researchers and Dr. Shinozaki at Stanford University (2) conducted joint research on the application of TDA to delirium detection using electroencephalogram (EEG) data. The unique outcome of research was the ability to accurately detect delirium using a portable single-channel EEG device with the bispectral EEG (BSEEG) algorithm (3) significantly enhanced by Fujitsu‘s TDA technology. The joint research resulted in several publications, including a research paper published in 2021 (4).

In July 2023, Dr. Shinozaki co-founded Delight Health (DH) as a new company to commercialize this award-winning technology (5). “Delight” was named after their vision to bring “light” to “delirium”. Fujitsu will grant Delight Health a license to use TDA and will take an equity position in the company.

“Leveraging advanced technologies to solve human and societal problems is core to Fujitsu’s mission and purpose,” said Hideto (Ted) Okada, SVP and Head of Technology Strategy Unit at Fujitsu. “By partnering with Delight Health to deliver innovative solutions to detect and treat neurological and psychiatric disorders, we hope to increase the health and wellbeing of millions of people around the world.”

“Fujitsu is a company recognized for its advanced technologies and research excellence and our joint collaboration has resulted in significant scientific breakthroughs,” said Prof. Gen Shinozaki, co-founder of Delight Health. “By taking an equity position in Delight Health, Fujitsu is demonstrating its business commitment to accelerate the delivery of products to more effectively identify delirium paving the way for new therapies and better patient outcomes”.

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