Sirnaomics to Unveil GalAhead™ Therapeutic Platform Updates at Industry Conferences

14 June 2023 | Wednesday | News

irnaomics Ltd. (the "Company"; stock code: 2257, together with its subsidiaries, the "Group" or "Sirnaomics"), a leading biopharmaceutical company in discovery and development of RNAi therapeutics, announced that the Company will present the latest developments on GalAhead™, a GalNAc-RNAi therapeutic platform, and its pipeline programs, at three international industry conferences taking place in June: the Precision in Drug Discovery & Preclinical Summit, RNA Therapeutics USA, and 19th Drug Discovery Nexus.
Image Source : Public Domain

Image Source : Public Domain

The Company's first GalAhead™-based RNAi drug candidate, STP122G, has started a Phase I clinical trial in May 2023. The start of the trial indicates that Sirnaomics' proprietary GalNAc RNAi platform technology, GalAhead™, has the potential to help patients with high unmet needs in the areas of hematologic, cardiometabolic, immunologic and rare disorders.

Precision in Drug Discovery & Preclinical Summit Oral Presentation Details

  • Presentation Title: A Novel Therapeutic GalNAc-RNAi Platform to Downregulate Single and Multiple Genes
  • PresenterDmitry Samarsky, PhD, Sirnaomics Chief Technology Officer
  • Time/Date2:55 pm-3:20 pm ET on Tuesday, Jun 13, 2023
  • Location: Revere Hotel, BostonUSA

RNA Therapeutics USA Oral Presentation Details

  • Presentation Title: GalAhead™: a novel therapeutic GalNAc-RNAi platform to downregulate single and multiple Genes
  • PresenterJim Weterings, PhD, Sirnaomics Senior Director of Technology Innovation
  • Time/Date3:10 pm-3:50 pm ET on Thursday, June 15, 2023
  • Location: Horton Grand Hotel; San DiegoUSA

19th Drug Discovery Nexus Oral Presentation Details

  • Presentation Title: GalAhead™: A Novel Therapeutic GalNAc-RNAi Platform to Downregulate Single and Multiple Genes
  • PresenterJack Wei, PhD, Sirnaomics Senior Director of Drug Discovery
  • Time/Date3:15 pm -3:40 pm ET on Friday, June 16, 2023
  • Location: Holiday Inn Express – Arena Towers; Amsterdam, Netherlands


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