Alexandra Gatzemeyer joins Executive Board of Sartorius to lead the Lab Products & Services division

31 March 2023 | Friday | News

The Supervisory Board of Sartorius AG appointed Alexandra Gatzemeyer, Ph.D., as Member of the Executive Board, effective May 1, 2023. From June 16, 2023, Alexandra Gatzemeyer will succeed Gerry Mackay, Board Member and Head of the Lab Products & Services division, who will hand over duties in the course of May and June to ensure a smooth transition at the helm of this division. After stepping down as Executive Board member as of June 16, 2023, Gerry Mackay will continue to support Sartorius in various cross-divisional tasks and initiatives.
Alexandra Gatzemeyer

Alexandra Gatzemeyer

Alexandra Gatzemeyer currently leads the LPS Sales & Services organization at Sartorius. During her more than 18 years tenure with the company, she served in various senior leadership roles including Product Management, Human Resources Management, and as Managing Director of a country organization. Alexandra holds a Ph.D. in pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacology from the St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University.

Dr. Lothar Kappich, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Sartorius AG, thanked Gerry Mackay and welcomed Alexandra Gatzemeyer on behalf of the Board. „Our lab business has evolved tremendously under Gerry Mackay’s leadership. During the past four years he has executed the strategic repositioning of the division towards the life science market, integrated more than a handful of acquisitions, substantially advanced its sales and marketing capabilities while boosting profitability. When extending his contract in 2021, Gerry had already signaled to be available for two more years only,” said Lothar Kappich. “At the same time, we would like to warmly welcome Alexandra, an internationally experienced and successful manager from our own ranks, to join the Executive Board. Backed by her passion for customers and people Alexandra will further push the division’s strategic and operational path towards becoming a leading partner for innovative solutions for life science research.“

From June 16, 2023, the Sartorius Executive Board will thus consist of the four following members: Dr. Joachim Kreuzburg, Chairman and CEO; Dr. René Fáber, Head of Bioprocess Solutions; Alexandra Gatzemeyer, Head of Lab Products & Services; and Rainer Lehmann, Chief Financial Officer.


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