Medical Devices

Avantor buy Masterflex® Bioprocessing for $2.9 Billion from Antylia Scientific

Headquartered in Vernon Hills, Illinois, Masterflex Bioprocessing is a global leader in peristaltic and single-use bioprocessing solutions including t...

 September 08, 2021 | News

TANAKA Contributes to Ambix Life Science Fund, a U.S. Medical Device Venture Fund

TANAKA Kikinzoku Kogyo K.K. (Head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director & CEO: Koichiro Tanaka), which is a subsidiary of TANAKA Holdings ...

 September 06, 2021 | News

Approval to Market Sofwave(TM) in South Korea

Sofwave Medical LTD, today announced it has received approval from the Korean Ministry of Foods and Drug Safety (MFDS) to market Sofwave™ its pr...

 August 31, 2021 | News

BD Launches Fully Automated High-Throughput Molecular Diagnostic Platform

BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company) (NYSE: BDX), a leading global medical technology company, today announced that it has launched a new, fully automated hi...

 August 26, 2021 | News

Argon Announces the Commercial Launch of the SKATER™

The SKATER™ Mini-Loop is a drainage catheter placed through the skin using imaging guidance as a minimally invasive way to remove or drain an unwante...

 August 23, 2021 | News

SINOMED announces the commercial implantation of the HT Supreme® Drug

Professor Sharif said "We are delighted to implant the HT Supreme stent from SINOMED at University Hospital Galway in partnership with National Univer...

 August 18, 2021 | News

Fujifilm Introduces its AI-powered Product for Chest X-ray in Japan, in Collaboration with Lunit

Fujifilm Corporation, a global medical imaging device provider, today announced its AI-powered product for analyzing chest X-ray 'CXR-AID' will be commerci...

 August 13, 2021 | News

New BD Benchtop Cell Analyzer Enhances Laboratory Access and Accelerates Scientific Research

BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company) (NYSE: BDX), a leading global medical technology company, today announced the launch of a new benchtop cell analyzer tha...

 August 12, 2021 | News

Taiwan to launch the most expensive collagen in the contemporary market

As consumers around the world increase their awareness of using beauty and health products, collagen products have become the most popular item. Various ma...

 August 09, 2021 | News

Evonik to expand biomaterials portfolio for new medical device markets

Nanostructured biomaterial for wound dressings and dermatology to be integrated into Health Care business Evonik Venture Capital’s early investmen...

 August 02, 2021 | News

FDA Clears Promega OncoMate™ MSI Dx Analysis System

Microsatellite instability (MSI) is a form of genomic instability caused when too many or too few repeating bases, called microsatellites, occur during DNA...

 July 30, 2021 | News

LifeSignals receives FDA 510 (k) Approval

LifeSignals Inc., today announced it has received FDA Class II 510 (k) approval for the LifeSignals LX1550 Multiparameter Remote Monitoring Platform. This ...

 July 28, 2021 | News

BD Acquires Tepha, Inc., to Drive New Innovations

BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company) (NYSE: BDX), a leading global medical technology company, announced today it has acquired Tepha, Inc., a leading develop...

 July 28, 2021 | News

FFRangio Reimbursement Approval in Japan

CathWorks announced that the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) has approved the application to provide reimbursement for the CathWorks...

 July 27, 2021 | News


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