
Japan has surpassed itself again with the development of ultra-high-concentration lutein

According to the World Report on Vision published in 2020 by World Health Organization (WHO), the incidence of most eye diseases and visual impairments var...

 July 14, 2021 | News

ADDI Announces Results of Inaugural Data Challenge

The challenge is a key part of our aim to end Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias by promoting open science and harnessing the power of collabo...

 July 05, 2021 | News

World-first predictive test for Diabetic Kidney Disease could save $384 billion over 10 years

Independent modelling estimates the PromarkerD predictive test for diabetic kidney disease (DKD) would increase the quality of care and could save US pay...

 June 26, 2021 | News

EYEMATE-SC Biosensor for Remote Glaucoma Care is CE Marked

The patented EYEMATE system is the world’s only clinically-validated product used for comprehensive remote glaucoma monitoring. US FDA Breakthrough D...

 June 21, 2021 | News

New Cleveland Clinic Research Identifies Link Between Gut Microbes and Stroke

New findings from Cleveland Clinic researchers show for the first time that the gut microbiome impacts stroke severity and functional impairment ...

 June 17, 2021 | News

How Does “No Mask Required” Affect Air Quality and Risk Mitigation Strategies

Can owners and managers of local businesses and workplaces breathe a sigh of relief that they don’t need to worry about Severe Acute Respiratory Synd...

 June 16, 2021 | Opinion | By Behind The Bench Staff | ThermoFisher

AAS : Next Steps For New Alzheimer's Treatment

Additionally, the FDA appropriately took into account the vast unmet need of the Alzheimer's community. Aduhelm is certainly not a cure, but at long last i...

 June 14, 2021 | News

Japan takes step ahead to treat hereditary deafness

Researchers at Juntendo University in Japan report in the journal Human Molecular Genetics that a stem-cell technique may be used to develop a tr...

 June 11, 2021 | News

VinBrain and FIT Utilizing AI in Tuberculosis Screening in Veitnam

Tuberculosis is the leading cause of deaths worldwide from an infectious disease, second only to COVID-19. Vietnam ranks 11th among t...

 June 10, 2021 | News

FDA’s Decision to Approve New Treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease

This approval is significant in many ways. Aduhelm is the first novel therapy approved for Alzheimer’s disease since 2003. Perhaps more significantly...

 June 09, 2021 | News | By Dr. Patrizia Cavazzoni, Director, FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research

“700,000 people in USA are living with primary brain tumour”

Brain tumors originate from the brain itself, or it can be secondary extension from other parts.  Brain tumors in India comes to 5-10 in 100,000 popul...

 June 08, 2021 | Opinion

Cigna Study Shows Uncertainty about the Future Continues to be the Leading Cause of Stress

Cigna Hong Kong today released the Hong Kong findings of the latest edition of its Cigna COVID-19 Global Impact Study. As part of Cigna's an...

 June 08, 2021 | Analysis

Arctic Vision Announces the Treatment of Dry Eye Disease

iTEAR®100 is an FDA-cleared external neurostimulation device that increases acute tear production. Arctic Vision, a clinical stage biotech company foc...

 June 07, 2021 | News

Molecules in Saliva May Hold the Key to Tracking Improvements in Autism

According to a recently published study, specific RNA molecules in saliva were found to be strongly associated with autistic behaviors in older individuals...

 June 04, 2021 | News


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