Bio Special

mRNA Vaccine Technology Holds Promise, but Faces Challenges

Numerous studies and statistics from national governments also suggest the data looks good regarding how the mRNA vaccines perform against emerging variant...

 June 24, 2021 | Opinion

3 Innovative Ways Johnson & Johnson Proudly Supports the LGBTQIA+ Community

Fifty-one years ago this month, the first Pride marches took place in cities across the United States to commemorate the anniversary of the Stonewall ...

 June 15, 2021 | Influencers | By Dibs Baer

To win the race against Covid-19, enabling access to vaccinations is key

When the first Covid-19 vaccine was approved for use in late 2020, it marked a momentous achievement in science.  It was the result of an urgent and ...

 June 11, 2021 | News | By Leonora Lim, Vice President at DHL Customer Solutions and Innovation, Life Sciences and Healthcare.

Malaysia's Healthcare Sector: An ASEAN Rising Giant

Malaysia operates an internationally lauded healthcare system, fueled by investments in world-class facilities and quality human resources. The country ...

 May 31, 2021 | Analysis

Modernizing the Natural History of Disease Research

The term natural history of disease refers to the progression of a disease process in an individual over time, in the absence of any treatment or...

 May 11, 2021 | Analysis


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