Bio Insight BioResources

A 7-Step Guide to Western Blotting

Did you know: First described in 1979, the method of Western blotting has since become one of the most commonly used methods in life science research. &nb...

 June 08, 2021 | Analysis

Singapore/ US based TurtleTree ready to commercialize Human Lactoferrin as first major product

Milk is a very complex evolutionary fluid with millions of different molecules in it. While it will take several years before cell-based whole milk passes ...

 June 05, 2021 | News

Discovery Makers: Dorraya El-Ashry

Discovery Makers: Dorraya El-Ashry What keeps a scientist going through doubts and difficulties? Rock-solid self-belief? The drive to save lives? Curiou...

 May 25, 2021 | Opinion


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