Bio Feature

mRNA Vaccine Technology Holds Promise, but Faces Challenges

Numerous studies and statistics from national governments also suggest the data looks good regarding how the mRNA vaccines perform against emerging variant...

 June 24, 2021 | Opinion

Antengene continued to execute its dual-engine growth strategy

Announces two new in-house discovered assets - ATG-031, a potential first-in-class anti-CD24 monoclonal antibody, and ATG-027, a potential first-in-class...

 June 18, 2021 | News

To win the race against Covid-19, enabling access to vaccinations is key

When the first Covid-19 vaccine was approved for use in late 2020, it marked a momentous achievement in science.  It was the result of an urgent and ...

 June 11, 2021 | News | By Leonora Lim, Vice President at DHL Customer Solutions and Innovation, Life Sciences and Healthcare.

Finding the cure for vaccine hesitancy

As COVID-19 swept across the world last year, the race to develop a vaccine went into overdrive. The speed was unprecedented. Something that typicall...

 June 10, 2021 | News

Karyopharm Announces Key Changes to Its Commercial Leadership Team

Karyopharm Therapeutics Inc. (Nasdaq:KPTI), a commercial-stage pharmaceutical company pioneering novel cancer therapies, today announced key managemen...

 June 09, 2021 | News

Thyroid health – why is it important for mothers? : Prof. Dr. med. Frank-Raue

Thyroid disorders affect an estimated 350 million people worldwide1,2 and are especially common in women.3 Sadly, when undiagnosed, t...

 May 31, 2021 | Opinion

The Cost of Under- and Over-Coating Zinc

But for manufacturers who provide these zinc-coated products, the cost of zinc has increased substantially over the past few years, emphasizing the need to...

 May 26, 2021 | Opinion | By By Chris Burnett

Discovery Makers: Dorraya El-Ashry

Discovery Makers: Dorraya El-Ashry What keeps a scientist going through doubts and difficulties? Rock-solid self-belief? The drive to save lives? Curiou...

 May 25, 2021 | Opinion

Evolution of Ivermectin as a Drug of Choice for Prevention & Treatment of Covid-19: Dr. Surya Kant

 There are newer drugs on the horizon which have been recommended though with very limited experience & devoid of enough data about safety and eff...

 May 10, 2021 | Opinion


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