Most advanced bispecific antibodies for cancer

30 May 2021 | Sunday | Analysis

A review of the pipeline of experimental bispecific cancer drugs reveals that many bind to the same T cell protein that Blincyto does, called CD3. Blood cancers such as lymphoma, leukemia and multiple myeloma are the most common target, although solid tumors such as lung and prostate cancers are also drawing attention from developers.


A selected list of the most advanced bispecific antibodies for cancer
Drug Developer Targets Lead indication(s) Phase of study
Blincyto Amgen CD19 x CD3 Leukemia Approved
Rybrevant J&J EGFR x cMET Lung cancer Approved
mosunetuzumab Roche CD20 x CD3 Lymphoma 3
glofitamab Roche CD20 x CD3 Lymphoma 3
epcoritamab AbbVie, Genmab CD20 x CD3 Lymphoma, leukemia 3
teclistamab J&J BCMA x CD3 Multiple myeloma 2
talquetamab J&J GPR5CD x CD3 Multiple myeloma 2
flotetuzumab Macrogenics CD123 x CD3 Leukemia 2
tebotelimab Macrogenics PD1 x LAG3 Solid tumors 2*
elranatamab Pfizer BCMA x CD3 Multiple myeloma 2**
odronextamab Regeneron CD20 x CD3 Lymphoma 2
REGN5458 Regeneron BCMA x CD3 Multiple myeloma 2
acapatamab Amgen PSMA x CD3 Prostate, lung cancer 1
pavurutamab Amgen BCMA x CD3 Multiple myeloma 1
AMG757 Amgen DLL3 x CD3 Lung cancer 1

*in combination with other drugs **enrollment paused SOURCE: Company disclosures,


In multiple myeloma, many companies are taking aim at a disease-specific protein called BCMA, following the same approach of the approved drugs Blenrep from GlaxoSmithKline and Abecma from Bristol Myers Squibb. In leukemia and lymphoma, the target protein on the tumor cells is called CD20, to which the aging Roche drug Rituxan also binds.


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